Overhead Projector for classroom

Overhead Projector for classroom


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Get to know some important features of  latest and popular overhead projector models for classroom in the market.

Whether a prospect is a first-time buyer or buying another time, he/she may not be aware of the latest technologies and models (unlike smartphones).

Our effort is to create a little awareness about the same for the prospective buyer.

What does today’s classroom look like?

How is the lighting in the room?

Bright? (Now that we are using LED bulbs and tube lights)

The following are some of the important parameters one should know, before buying a projector:


Higher projector brightness makes the image better in brightly lit rooms.

Popular mercury lamp projector Viewsonic PA700X has a brightness of up to 4500 Lumens.

LED projector Viewsonic LS610WH has a brightness of 4000 Lumens.


It is clarity of projected image. 

Resolutions are SVGA, XGA, WXGA, FHD

XGA and WXGA models offer better clarity, hence they are preferred. FHD is still better.

Resolution of Viewsonic mercury lamp projector PA700X is XGA.

Resolution of Optoma EH338 is FHD

Light source technology

There are three types of light sources- Mercury lamp based, LED, Laser. Your average usage per year, helps you to decide which one would be best for you.

Mercury lamp models are still largest selling models. LED and laser technologies have advantages over mercury lamp technology. 

Input ports

What device do you want to connect?

A desktop or laptop or want wireless or a combination?

Multiple input ports are an advantage. So, choose model with more input ports.

Some of our models have single HDMI port, some have two HDMI ports.

Image size

The distance between the screen and the projector defines the size of the projected image.

The farther it is from the screen, the bigger will be the size of the image.

Remember projector placement in theatres?


What about audio?

The inbuilt speakers in projectors may not be sufficient for the classroom.

A separate audio setup will be the correct solution.

We market Viewsonic & Optoma range of projectors. Our area of operation: Hyderabad, Secunderabad.

We can give a complete solution for classrooms. 

For price quotation, terms and conditions, please submit your details below:

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